We encourage all parents and/or guardians to be involved in the activities. We believe that parental participation is key to any successful child care program. At Lord of Life Center for Child Development, we strive to fill the gap created during early separation and educational opportunities when parents are not available. We welcome parental visits. We have an open-door policy that allows parents access to the center during operating hours. We have enclosed a sample list of some of the opportunities for involvement in our center. Parents are in no way limited to the involvement listed below. Any parent wishing to be involved in another area is strongly encouraged to contact the Lord of Life Center for Child Development office with their suggestions.

  • Programs and special activities, such as the Christmas Program
  • Special parent involvement activities such as our Thanksgiving Feast
  • Come and eat lunch with the child
  • Classroom volunteer
  • Help with center fundraisers

We also expect parental involvement in discipline and behavior intervention as outlined in these policies.